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About the

Dummerston Historical Society

CURRENT STATUS 2025:  We are open! We’re looking forward to upcoming Quarterly Meetings that will feature interesting programs from local presenters, in the comfort of our historic Schoolhouse.



The Dummerston Historical Society is pleased to present a new exhibit from its growing collection of local portraits, Faces of Dummerston II. Most photographs were taken by Charles Fish, others provided to DHS. (Please visit the Exhibits section to hear Chuck's Opening Day comments!)

Here you will find over 100 new photos, some of ancestors sadly gone, others of newcomers who have just unpacked. We have farmers and foresters, painters and printmakers, butchers and bakers (but no candlestick makers). We welcome new photos. If you have some to share, we will scan them, keep copies, and return the originals. All pictures will be preserved in albums for future presentations. You can be part of the historical record.

Many of you will remember seeing the first “Faces of Dummerston: A Work in Progress” exhibit in June 2023. Those 150-plus photos are now in albums and will also be available for viewing.

The public is invited, admission is free.  Information: or 802-254-9311.

Dummerston Historical Society welcomes all visitors; one does not need to be a member to attend any of its functions.  The Schoolhouse in Dummerston Center is handicapped accessible.  Please call any member or Muriel Taylor at 802-380-7525 for information or visit  You are always welcome.


OUR BEGINNINGS AND OUR WORK TODAY:  The Dummerston Historical Society was founded in 1976 by Harrison Evans, Thomas Johnson, and Richard Virkstis, three Dummerston residents committed to preserving the stories, artifacts, photographs, maps and other items of historical significance to the town. Today, the DHS continues to preserve, document, and educate on the history of Dummerston, Vermont. The Society is based in the former Center Schoolhouse in Dummerston Center, once a one-room schoolhouse that has been restored and added onto to create a meeting place and exhibition and archival space for the Society.

When open, the Schoolhouse offers an opportunity to explore genealogies, review photographs of past exhibits, search scrapbooks and discover the many artifacts in the Society’s collection. Albums featuring Slab Hollow, Dummerston Center, West Dummerston Village, Houses of Dummerston, Artists of Dummerston, Authors of Dummerston, and many others will be available for viewing and discussion.


The Society is handicapped accessible and free of charge. For more info, call 802 254-9311 or 802 321-8791.



MEETINGS & PROJECTS:  The DHS holds four meetings a year – one annual meeting in January and three others quarterly, held in the third week of April, July, and October. The Society also plans one to four public events per year, which include photography and art exhibitions, educational programs, and open houses. A project documenting current history called “Making History” and efforts to record oral histories are ongoing.


SOCIAL MEDIA:  Visit our Facebook page by clicking this link


VOLUNTEERING:  The DHS is a nonprofit that relies entirely on the volunteer work and generosity of its members, and new volunteers are always welcome. Your interests and time available will be appreciated.


DONATIONS:  Tax-deductible donations are always gratefully accepted. If you wish to donate, please contact us via email.


CONTACT:  For information on upcoming events, donating, becoming a member, or accessing the society’s archives, please refer to the information on this website, and for further questions email and a board member will respond to you as soon as possible.

“Faces of Dummerston II” Photography Exhibit
Now on display at the historic Schoolhouse in Dummerston Center

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President: Muriel Taylor

Chuck Fish  •  Ruth Hoffman

Jody Normandeau  •  John Pinkney

Sara Ryan  •  Gail Sorenson


Dummerston Historical Society

P.O. Box 8064

 Brattleboro, VT  05304



1521 Middle Road

Dummerston, VT


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